Keep your club connected

Your guide to the C&C app

Keep your club connected - Your guide to the C&C app

Communicate quickly and easily. Our mission is to connect the GAA through world-class digital tools.

Everything we do is designed to help your club better connect with your members and wider audience.

Following the successful launch of our new club website theme in 2023 we’re making your communication easier again with the soft launch of our C&C app.

Download the C&C App Guide

What’s included in the App?

The Club and County App has all the key features from your club website with the added benefit of message notifications. It gives administrators what they need and members and supporters what they need to know. From games to general news and messages, it keeps everyone connected.

For supporters, the App has three main features: The Match Centre, News & Messages.

C&C Match Centre

Gives you all your club fixtures and results at all levels and codes. It even covers your county results. Happy days! (Well, depending on the score.) If you want more detail on tables etc., you can get this from your C&C club site.

C&C Latest News

If it’s going down, it’s going in! All the latest info from the website can be found right here.

C&C Messages

Now you’ll never miss a beat – this feature lets you accept messages from the club straight to your device. These are divided into three colour coded headings – Games Update, General Messages and Events. Use your settings to choose what you see and when.

More about C&C Messages:

Games Update:
If your Club has someone at the game, they can give game updates LIVE as they happen. No need to wait for the GAA Games Management system.

General Messages:
Does exactly what you’d expect – sends you general info so you’re always in the loop.


Never say ‘I never knew that was on’ ever again. (Unless you switch the Events tab off of course – that’s on you!)

For administrators:

Club Administrators, control of News and Messaging is all yours. News posted on the C&C website will automatically appear on the App and, using your website admin login, you have access to the messages control panel. Simply select the category and send. It will go to everyone who has that category selected on their device.


Promote, Promote, Promote

The C&C app can only make your life easier if your members are using it. If you can get it into hands, admin life will get much easier.

We recommend that you post at least once a week across all your social media channels about the app and its benefits. The more downloads, the more benefits for your

How do you ‘Get the App’:

We are currently trialling the APP to a small number of clubs. Anyone can download the APP to see how it could work for your club.


If your club is taking part in the trial and would like to leave some feedback or make a suggestion…


Join the Trial/Feedback

Does your club want to take part in the trial? Or are you already on the trial and want to leave some feedback?