How to add a C&C Gallery
This article provides some information on how to add a gallery to the Galleries section of your website. Have a look at the quick links below to jump to a specific section.
How to add a C&C Gallery
To add a new gallery to your website please:
- Login to your dashboard
- Click “Galleries” on the lefthand side menu
- Click Add New
- Add an appropriate title
- Try to keep your title short and sweet
- In the first text area, you may add a description of the gallery, which will display above the gallery on the front end.
- To add images, scroll down to the Gallery box and click on the orange “Add to gallery” button. This will open the media library window.
- To upload your images you can:
- Click and drag them from a folder on your computer into the “Add Image to Gallery” window or
- Click the “Upload files” tab and click the “Select Files” button here.
- Make sure to fill out the Alt Text with a brief description of the image.
- You may also want to add a caption here that will display when a user clicks to enlarge the image.
- To choose from existing images in the media library just click on all the images you want. You will see a checkmark appear on the top right.
- When you are happy with your selection/upload, just click the orange “select” button.
- You will be taken back to the main Gallery page, where your image selection is now shown in the Gallery box.
- If you would like to change the order of how these images appear, you can:
- click and drag them into place,
- click on the “Bulk Actions” dropdown and choose a sorting option.
- To choose an image that will be displayed to represent this gallery on the main Gallery page, click on Featured Image and select an image
- If you’ve uploaded images directly into this post you have the option to only display these, making it easier to find the correct images.
- Just click on “All media items” dropdown under Filter media and choose “Uploaded to this item”.
- WordPress will then only show images that have been uploaded to this item.
- If you’ve uploaded images directly into this post you have the option to only display these, making it easier to find the correct images.
- To organise your galleries, you can set up categories (eg year) and attach these to your items. To do this:
- choose an existing GL category on the right of the screen
- add a new GL category by clicking “+ Add New GL Category” link,
- add the name of the category in the new field,
- click “Add New GL Category” button.
- When you’re happy with your gallery, you can hit the orange “publish” button to make it live.