How to add links to main menu

To add a page, post or link to the main menu of your Club & County site you need to:

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Hover over “Appearance” on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click “Menus”.
  4. Choose a menu to edit… For this purpose, choose “Main Navigation New”.
  5. Choose where you will source your page from… Either Pages, Custom Links or Categories.
  6. Then either tick the page/category you would like to add or type in a link and click “Add to Menu”.
  7. It will then be automatically applied to the list of pages on the right.
  8. You can click and drag to reposition any of the pages.
  9. Indenting pages underneath a link will turn them into dropdown menus on newer versions of the Club & County theme.
  10. Similarly, you can also delete items from your main menu by expanding the block (by clicking the little down arrow) and clicking on the red “Remove” link.
  11. Once you’re happy with your new menu, click “Save Menu”.

Adding Fix & Res Menu

Following on from our V23 Club update, we now have the ability to add a custom link to the Fixtures & Results sidebar. This was added to allow clubs that may have an external link to fixtures (e.g. their ladies fixtures may be on a different system) to add to the sidebar navigation on the Fix & Res page. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Hover over “Appearance” on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click “Menus”.
  4. Click “create a new menu” link on the right of the dropdown menu.
  5. Add the Menu Name into the specific field, then click “Create Menu”.
    • TIP: If you’re adding a link for Football, Hurling, Camogie or Ladies Football, make this the Menu title and you will benefit from the specific colour being applied via our stylesheet.
  6. Choose where you will source your page from along the left-hand side under “Add menu items”
    • For this option, choose “Custom Links”
    • Paste your URL into the URL Field
    • Add a Label for your Link Text
  7. Then either tick the page/category you would like to add or type in a link and click “Add to Menu”.
  8. It will then be automatically applied to the list of pages on the right.
  9. You can click and drag to reposition any of the pages.
  10. Under “Menu Settings” choose Fix & Res in the Display location options
  11. Once you’re happy with your new menu, click “Save Menu”.